środa, 14 marca 2012

simple me

I moje nowe tenisówki H&M

1 komentarz:

  1. Hello from France
    Thank you for your membership in the directory, I am very happy!
    Your blog is accepted your request, in Section Germany and Poland
    The creation of this new blog "directory", allow a rapprochement between different countries, knowledge of different cultures and traditions.
    I realize it existed before because this kind of blog, which alas is gone
    It's new just since 1 month and if there are improvements to make, I am totally at your disposal
    The more people and more opportunities that will,
    You are in some way the Ambassador of this blog,
    It is you also have to make known after your contacts and friends in your area of ​​Blog
    The success of this blog, all depends of adherent
    Your blog is in the list Germany and Poland
    Here the image of the blog to make it known to the directory of your friends
